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How to Clean and Disinfect your Touchscreens, Monitors, and other Devices

2 min read

In light of recent events regarding the spread of the COVID-19 and the risks businesses take staying open to the public, we have seen a number of customers asking us how to properly clean and disinfect their hardware and POS machines- Touchscreens, monitors, laptops, keyboards, and peripheral devices. Because people are using many different devices for their business, it is difficult to suggest a one-size-fits-all approach. Check with your device’s manufacturer to be sure, but here is what we can generally recommend:

Computers & Laptop screens:
1. Properly power off the machine
2. Use Isopropyl alcohol of 70% or higher and put it on a soft cloth before wiping down your screens and monitors. The less moisture you expose to your devices, the better.  *We do not recommend using Windex or pre-soaked disinfectant wipes like Clorox or Lysol.  Do not spray anything directly on the surface of devices.*

1. Disconnect it from the power source if it is plugged in to a computer.
2. Use a cotton swab or small cloth to lightly saturate with alcohol-based disinfectant spray (like the isopropyl mentioned above)
3. Lightly swab or wipe each key in a circular motion, being careful not to let it drip down below the surface.

Periphals and other Devices:
1. Confirm with manufacturer on best cleaning practices
2. Common disinfectant sprays or liquids should be okay to use to wipe down devices. Make sure to include receipt printers, barcode label printers, barcode scanners (handheld and stationary), rear-facing customer displays, scales, computer mice, and so on.

A link to the Verifone® page with information on cleaning their devices can be found here.

You can find the same information for Ingenico® devices here.

And as always, wash hands often and properly and listen to your state and local government as well as the CDC for the most up to date information.

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