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How to Discount the Sale of a Gift Card

2 min read

Your customers want to feel like they are getting the best deal when they purchase something in your store. This applies to gift cards as well! When you discount he sale of a gift card, you incentivize your customers to buy the gift card, as well as incentivize your clerks to potentially up sell the customer at the POS by selling a $115 gift card for $100.

In this tutorial, we go over how to set up this gift card promotion as a PACKAGE, making it very easy for your clerks to sell this at the POS with just one click.

How to Discount the Sale of a Gift Card: #


  1. In inventory manager, create the gift card item Gift115 for your gift card that will be worth $115 once sold. Be sure to set cost at $0 and use stock type of Gift Card
  2. Next create a second item Call it GC-15 (this item is used to deduct against the gift card item) Stock type is non stock and cost is 0 and price is 15
  3. Now go to Inventory > Packages > Add
  4. General Tab
  5. Package ID: GC115
  6. Description: Gift Card $115 Promo
  7. Pricing model – Set Package Price based on item Pricing
  8. Receipt printing model- Print Package Description/Summary Only – One Line
  9. Items Tab
  10. Add your Gift card item of $115 with a quantity of 1
  11. Add your GC-15 item with a quantity of -1
  12. Save

Now open up sales screen and test. Sell the Package ID of GC115. You will see 2 lines but the total due will be $100. The receipt will print as one line and your clerks only have to select 1 item and not do any returns behind the scenes. This method may take a few more minutes to set up but there will be no issue by your clerks when it comes to selling it.

Note – Package IDs can be added to the QuickList buttons (or tabs on the traditional sales screen) to make the work flow even easier for your staff.

That’s how you discount the sale of a gift card! Once you have the first one done, you can use this as a template for the other gift cards you are doing a promo on.

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