Setting up the Customer Rewards Program

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Setting up the Customer Rewards Program

To setup the customer rewards program:


1.Choose Discount Rules|Edit from the Inventory menu item.


2.Press the Add button to create a new Discount Rule.


3.Enter a Discount Rule Name and Description, then set the Applies To: to Customer AND Inventory Lists.


4.On the Discount Rule tab, Set the Discount Rule Type: to Customer Rewards Program and set a Start and End Date for the period you want the customer rewards program to run.


5.Press the Rule Settings tab and enter amounts in the After X Amount Purchased, Issue Y New Loyalty Dollars and Exclude Discounts >= Z% fields.  The Customer Rewards Program will issue new Loyalty Dollars each time a customer's qualified purchase exceed the Amount Purchased threshold.   After each reward, the date determining the start of the next reward issuance will be set to the timestamp of the sale that triggered the reward.  The reward amount will be based on the total purchased value, not the Amount Purchased threshold.


6.Press the Location Settings tab and select the location(s) in which the program will apply.


7.Press the Filter Settings tab, press the Set Filter Criteria button and set additional filters for the program.  Some of the more common filters are Payment (so you can exclude issuing loyalty on loyalty or house charge or store credit payments), Customer Interests (to include only certain customers in the Loyalty Program).


8.Press Ok to save the Filters and Save to save the Loyalty Rule.


More information about this topic can be found on the RetailEdge YouTube Channel at the following link.


Customer Rewards Program