Purging Store Credit Balances

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Purging Store Credit Balances

Purging customer store credit balances will allow you to remove customers store credit balances based on the filtering criteria.


To purge customer store credits:


1.From the Tools Menu choose Purge|Customer|Store Credit Balances.


2. Press the Next button to display the Purge Criteria screen.


3.Press the Set Purge Filter Criteria button to display the Filter Screen. By Default the Filter is set to the previous year.


4.Press the OK button to set the filter criteria and then the Next button to display the Run Purge screen.


5.Press the Run Store Credit Purge button to run the purge.


The purge will remove store credit balances issued prior to a particular date. You should check your local and state local regulations before you purge store credit balances.


Note: Before purging you should do the following:


1.Backup your data.


2.Print all appropriate reports for the period you are purging.