by Anthony » Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:57 pm
The following are hot keys (keyboard shortcuts) available on the sales screen:
F4/ctrl + F – On the items field pressing with of these will open the find item window.
F9/ Page up or Page down – Will cycle right to the next window i.e. Customer to Items to Payment.
Ctrl + T – Toggle tax
Ctrl + Alt + L – This will add a Labor Rate to the sale. Note: this only works in the traditional sales screen.
Ctrl + Alt + D – This will change the date on a sale Note: the sale will still be in the current sales session. (the Close).
Ctrl + Alt + P – This will give you the estimated Gross Profit on a sale.
Ctrl + Alt + R – This will reprint the last receipt.
Ctrl + Alt + O – This will reset the Sales prices to use a PO’s price.
Ctrl + Alt + G – Will open the issue gift card manually screen Note: this DOES NOT SELL the giftcard on the sale but allows for the creation of a “goodwill” gift card. This also works outside of the sales screen.
Ctrl + Alt + X – Will allow you to change the Department of the item on the sales screen.
Ctrl + N – Will toggle a line item between positive and negative (Return/exchange.) Note:This only works in the traditional sales screen
Ctrl + Alt + N – will toggle item quantities on a sale between positive and negative (returns.) Note: This only works in the traditional sales screen
Ctrl + 1 through 5 will change a line item to use price levels 1 through 5. Note: This only works in the traditional sales screen.