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Can't print a report from RetailEdge
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    Can't print a report from RetailEdge

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:48 pm

    If you can't print a report out of RetailEdge you should check the following:

    1. Can you perform a Test Print from the Windows driver?

    2. Can you print a document using the Windows Notepad application?

    3. If the printer prints a test print, then you should try printing a very simple report in RetailEdge (e.g. a Department list report). To do this, Choose Department List from the Reports|Inventory menu item. All reports in RetailEdge should be displayed to the screen first though the Report Viewer.

    3. If the report does not display to the screen, then you should check that the Default Printer is your page printer that you are trying to print to in the Windows Printer Folder. If it is not the default you should set it as the default and then try step 2 again.
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