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Retail Edge Main Data on Primary Register
  • dapr
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    Retail Edge Main Data on Primary Register

    by dapr » Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:46 pm

    I put our Retail Edge primary data on our backoffice computer. I did this because I knew I would be working on inventory and other files from the backoffice and did not want to mess up the primary register while it was in use. You have recommended putting RE primary data on the primary register so that if our network goes down, we can still ring up sales. I have 2 questions:
    1) If I move the data to the primary register, can I still work on files from the backoffice? I guess the question really is: What will I NOT be able to do from the backoffice station while the primary register is being used for sales?
    2) How would I go about moving the Retail Edge primary data to the primary register?
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