RetailEdge Version 8.2.47 has a couple of ways to change the information shown on receipts (both full page and tape style receipts).
The first way is the simplest way to make changes to a receipt. This method can be useful for changing a simple label name or for complete language changes.
To turn this on this in RetailEdge you need to:
1. Edit the RetailEdge.ini file.
This file can be found in the AppData folder in your user folder (typically C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\High Meadow Business Solutions\RetailEdge 8.2. In the INI folder add the appropriate lines to the [General] section of the ini file.
Receipt_FileName_Lang_Full=C:\Program Files (x86)\High Meadow Business Solutions\RetailEdge 8.2\Receipt_Lang_Full.txt
Receipt_FileName_Lang_Tape=C:\Program Files (x86)\High Meadow Business Solutions\RetailEdge 8.2\Receipt_Lang_Tape.txt
Note: These are the default locations for these files, however you can create and move these files wherever you would like.
2. Then change the appropriate line(s) in the Receipt_Lang_Tape.txt or Receipt_Lang_Full.txt language files
Here are somethings you could do with the language files:
If you are in Australia and would just like to change the wording of Layaway to Lay-by on your Tape Style receipts, just change the lines in in the Receipt_Lang_Tape.txt that reference Layaways. For instance,
Receipt_Payment_LayawayComplete=LAY-BY DONE
If you are in Quebec or the United Arab Emirates where there are some governmental language requirements for your receipts, you can change any receipt information to match the government's requirements. For instance:
Receipt_Tape_Items_Amount= montant
These changes also support multiple languages and so in China or UAE, you could use substitutions like:
And if you want more detailed formatting and layout changes to your receipts you can use the
Custom Receipt format changes outlined here.
RetailEdge User wrote:How can I change the labels and title headers on my receipts?