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How do I import my Existing Data into RetailEdge using REDI
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    How do I import my Existing Data into RetailEdge using REDI

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:42 pm

    Listed below is a quick description of how to import data into RetailEdge. A more detailed explaination of the import limitations and features can be found in the RetailEdge Help file.

    RetailEdge can import REDI (RetailEdge Data Interchange) file format or CSV (Text) format.

    This topic talks about importing data using the CSV format.

    The RetailEdge REDI format is a hybrid format that is a cross between standard ASCII and HTML and is primarily for allowing data transfer between separate or disconnected copies of RetailEdge. To import a REDI file:

    1. Choose Import from the Tools menu item.
    Press the Next button.

    2. Select the Import Type you want and press the Next button.

    3. Select the Import Filename and location and the Import Type of and press the Next button.

    4. Press the Next button to Validate the data.

    5. Press the Start Import Process button to import the data into RetailEdge.

    Note: If you encounter errors during the import process you can press the View as Text or View as REDI buttons during the Import File Information and Validate Data steps to check the import file format. If you press the View as Text button, you can make changes, save the file and restart the import process.

    Importing Existing Data From Another Program.

    If you want to import your data from another program you should get familiar with the REDI file format. The best way to get to know the REDI format is to try a RetailEdge Export and look at the REDI export file. In it, you'll see that there are different sections for inventory, departments, vendors, etc. Each section is starts and ends with HTML-like tags.

    If you want to import existing data from another program or vendor, you should:

    1. Save your existing data as a comma separated text file.

    2. Perform a REDI export of one record of the file type you are trying to import by choosing Export from the Tools menu and following the Export Wizard steps.

    3. Open the file in a program like Microsoft Excel.

    4. Modify the data you want to import so that it matches the REDI file format.

    5. Save the data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.

    6. Import the Data into RetailEdge.

    Excel may append or strip commas from the file, so it is best to have all data fields (or at least the last data field) filled when creating the file in Excel. Also, you may have to open the file in a text editor like Microsoft Notepad, and remove commas from the data header and footer tags that may have been appended during the Excel conversion to a CSV file.
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    REDI Import File Hints

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:14 pm

    When importing a large inventory file through the REDI File format the following things will help you avoid time wasting mistakes.

    1. Export a REDI Inventory file from the RetailEdge data first. This will show you what fields need to be filled in and what some of the default values have to be in order for the import to work.

    2. Any field that has a value in it you should have a value in it.

    3. The location ID field should match the Location ID in RetailEdge. By default this is "Main"

    4. If you are importing data for the first time, you will need to create item numbers. If you are working in Excel, you can simply start on the first line and then use a formula to calculate a new value for the second like (e.g., B2 = A2 + 1). Then copy this formula down.

    5. Duplicate vendor and department names in the REDI_Depart and REDI_Vendor sections are OK. RetailEdge will ignore these.

    6. Remove all spaces from your Stock Numbers. This is not allowed in RetailEdge and will stop the import process.

    7. It is easiest if you modify the file first in a spreadsheet program like Excel. Then open the file in a text editor like Notepad. Strip the commas and "" as appropriate from the ends of the start and end tags <REDI_Invent></REDI_Invent> first. Then save the file. You will have additional commas that you need to remove, but RetailEdge will search the inventory section first and let you know if there are any errors. Once you are sure that the REDI import has error checked all of the inventory items then go back into the Text Editor and remove any remaining extra commas from the department and vendor sections.
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    Creating a REDI File for Import using Microsoft Excel

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Wed May 09, 2007 5:05 pm

    Care should be taken when importing data into a REDI file using a program like Microsoft Excel. This is especially true with inventory. Many inventory stock numbers are UPC. UPCs are typically a 12 digit number. Many UPCs have a leading or leading zeros (i.e., 010343847125). When you pull a value into Excel like this and don't specify that it is a Text value, Excel will assume that it is a number. It will then strip the leading zero or zeros. This will make the items barcode unreadable.
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