I would do the following:
1. Download the most recent version. Based on your last post you are running 7.5.8? The lastest is 7.5.12. There have been some fixes to accounts. See if updating makes the problem go away.
2. Since this is not something that is happening all the time, try to determine under what circumstances it does happen. Some things to look at are:
a. Is it a particular clerk that is doing it?
b. Is there something different about the customer's account? (e.g., does he have a preexisting balance, if so what is it, are you overpaying the account, etc.)
3. Send a copy of your backup to
support@retailedge.com. Include in the e-mail what tickets, customer accounts, etc. you are having problems with.
Bear in mind that you are not on a service plan and you are opting to resolve your problem though the forums, so there is not any guarantee how soon you will get a response back from them. In the interim, you can view the topic
http://www.retailedge.com/phpBB/viewtop ... light=#433. This will describe how to unwind an overpayment of a house charge.
jklangston wrote:Anyone? Help! :)