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Strange house charge errors ???
  • jklangston
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    Strange house charge errors ???

    by jklangston » Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:11 pm

    I have a problem with several of my housecharge accounts. It appears that some payments (not all by any means) are being processed twice. For instance, someone will make a $100 payment, but it will process it twice as though they made two payments. The two payments are assigned sequential ticket numbers. It started happening about a year ago. It has happened as recently as a couple months ago.

    Here comes something even more strange... When I view their house charge balance from the screen, the correct amount is displayed, but when they make a payment, the "house charge balance" that appears on their invoice reflects the false lower amount. It's quite frustrating trying to convence them they owe more than what their receipt shows.

    With this being the case, I can find no way to correct it. If I perform some sales event that corrects the "house charge balance" amount on the receipts, it throws off the balance displayed on the "Viewing House Charges" screen on the computer.

    More info: I'm not entirely convinced it's not due to one of my employees posting house charge payments incorrectly, but I still don't see how that could cause the two balances to report differently.

    Very puzzling. Any ideas how to correct this? Thanks!

    Jake Langston
    Retail Edge 7.58 Level 2
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    by jklangston » Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:20 pm

    This actually goes back to my original question posted December of last year: ... light=#433

    I thought we had done it twice that time, but it's happened on it's on several times since then.
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    by jklangston » Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:15 pm

    Anyone? Help! :)
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    by RetailEdge Moderator » Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:14 am

    I would do the following:

    1. Download the most recent version. Based on your last post you are running 7.5.8? The lastest is 7.5.12. There have been some fixes to accounts. See if updating makes the problem go away.

    2. Since this is not something that is happening all the time, try to determine under what circumstances it does happen. Some things to look at are:
    a. Is it a particular clerk that is doing it?
    b. Is there something different about the customer's account? (e.g., does he have a preexisting balance, if so what is it, are you overpaying the account, etc.)

    3. Send a copy of your backup to Include in the e-mail what tickets, customer accounts, etc. you are having problems with.
    Bear in mind that you are not on a service plan and you are opting to resolve your problem though the forums, so there is not any guarantee how soon you will get a response back from them. In the interim, you can view the topic ... light=#433. This will describe how to unwind an overpayment of a house charge.

    jklangston wrote:Anyone? Help! :)
  • jklangston
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    by jklangston » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:37 pm

    Hey Bill,

    We installed the latest version last week and the problem just happened again a couple days ago. This time, it happened to me and I definitely did what I always do. Strange...

    As far as overpayment goes, it doesn't appear to be that. The wierd thing is the thing about the two diffgering balances:

    "When I view their house charge balance from the screen, the correct amount is displayed, but when they make a payment, the "house charge balance" that appears on their invoice reflects the false lower amount. It's quite frustrating trying to convence them they owe more than what their receipt shows."

    That's the part that really confuses me. It looks like perhaps there are two different areas in the database where a balance can reside, and it's possible that they aren't required to match each other.

    I'd love to send a copy of my backup to you and site accounts where this issue is present. I really appreciate your tech support and I understand the delay in response since I don't have a service plan. RetailEdge is very stable and runs like a top for us, so that's probably why we don't have one. :)

    Thanks again!


    P.S. - Email with backup and info on the way now. Thanks!
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