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Importing Inventory into RetailEdge using the REDI file
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    Importing Inventory into RetailEdge using the REDI file

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:47 am

    Many people want to import their data initially into RetailEdge. The format of the file that will allow you to do this we call a REDI (RetailEdge Data Interchange) format. The primary intent of this file format is, as the name implies, to allow data to be transferred between disconnected versions of RetailEdge. You can use the REDI file for transferring:

    1. Sales a lap top of a temporary computer used for trunk shows.
    2. Purchase Orders from a computer used at trade shows to write your purchase orders.
    3. Inventory and Customers files from a home computer.
    4. Sales from a computer was used temporarily because the main computer broke or was disconnected from the network temporarily.

    The REDI file is essentially a modified CSV (Comma Separated Value) file that is broken into multiple sections. Multiple sections are are required because when importing a sale, for instance, you might be selling a newly created item, with a new vendor, department, class, etc. The REDI file format creates these new records on the fly without requiring you to import other files first.

    The REDI file format The REDI file allows you to import a lot of information about your inventory. However, not all of the information is required. Layout of the REDI inventor file is:

    Field List separated by commas
    Field List separated by commas
    Field List separated by commas
    Field List separated by commas

    Although all of the sections must be in the file information does not have to be in the subsections unless you are creating new information.

    In addition at a minimum in your inventory file you need.

    Inv_Sku (Stock Number)
    Inv_Desc (Description)
    Inv_ItemID (Unique Counter - For Excel files just create a counter starting at 100,000 and adding onto each one)
    Loc_Settings_LocID (Location ID - Has to match the Location ID of your Location. This can be found in Tools|Settings|Locations and is MAIN by default)
    Inv_Quan (Inventory Imports only import inventory with 0 quantity, see below about importing quantities)
    Inv_DepartID (The Department ID of the Department associated with the inventory item - these can be found in the RetailEdge Department list or created on the fly in the REDI Depart Section)
    Inv_VendorID (The Vendor ID of the Vendor associated with the inventory item - these can be found in the RetailEdge Vendor list or created on the fly in the REDI Vendor Section)
    Inv_Cost_Last (Last received cost of the item)
    Inv_Cost_Avg (Average cost of the item - This is important and is used to calculate cost of goods sold.)
    Inv_StockType (Many different values can be used here. You should look at the RetailEdge help file to see what values are used. However a typical item would have a value: Stock.
    Inv_MatrixID (Use ~Unassigned~)
    Inv_AutoScale (Whether the item is a item to be weighed at the POS, True/False)
    Inv_Loc_Taxable (True/False)
    Inv_Loc_Price_Was (Suggested Retail Price)
    Inv_Loc_Price1 (Price Level 1 Price - Actual Selling Price. Simplest way is enter data here is to just use Level 1 Price for all price fields unless you are doing price level discounting)
    Inv_Loc_Price2 (Price Level 2 Price)
    Inv_Loc_Price3 (Price Level 3 Price)
    Inv_Loc_Price4 (Price Level 4 Price)
    Inv_Loc_Price5 (Price Level 5 Price)
    Inv_Loc_Min1 (Minimum 1 Reorder Level, if not using Mins and Maxes simply use a 0.)
    Inv_Loc_Min2 (Minimum 2 Reorder Level)
    Inv_Loc_Min3 (Minimum 3 Reorder Level)
    Inv_Loc_Min4 (Minimum 4 Reorder Level)
    Inv_Loc_Max1 (Maximum 1 Reorder Level)
    Inv_Loc_Max2 (Maximum 2 Reorder Level)
    Inv_Loc_Max3 (Maximum 3 Reorder Level)
    Inv_Loc_Max4 (Maximum 4 Reorder Level)

    Optional Fields

    Inv_UPC1 (UPC, if using your own stock number instead of the UPC)
    Inv_UPC2 (UPC, if using your own stock number instead of the UPC)
    Inv_ExpCode (Option Field - Can be used for report filtering and inventory view filtering)
    Inv_User1 (Option User Field - Can be used for report filtering and inventory view filtering)
    Inv_User2 (Option User Field - Can be used for report filtering and inventory view filtering)
    Inv_User3 (Option User Field - Can be used for report filtering and inventory view filtering)
    Inv_User4 (Option User Field - Can be used for report filtering and inventory view filtering)
    Inv_User5 (Option User Field - Can be used for report filtering and inventory view filtering)
    Inv_Matrix_D1 (Always Leave Blank)
    Inv_Matrix_D2 (Always Leave Blank)
    Inv_Matrix_Parent (The List ID created when the import is created - Not typically used for an import of items not created by RetailEdge.)
    Inv_AddOns (The List ID created when the import is created - No typically used for an import of items not created by RetailEdge.)
    Inv_Aliases (Aliases: Can be used for alternate lookups for an item.)
    Inv_Loc_BinShelf (Location of item in your inventory)

    Importing Inventory Quantities

    If after you do the import, you want to get your physical inventory quantities correct, you should do a physical inventory. If you already have the inventory quanties for your items, you should create a PICs file to import into the PICs file. The PICs import file is simply a CSV file with 2 fields, SKU and Quantity with no header information.

    To get this file into RetailEdge, you should choose import, from the Inventory | PICs menu item. Then choose a generic CSV - SKU, Quantity import. Once the import is in, you will see all the items in the pics file. If the import is done correctly, you will see inventory descriptions in the PICs list. Then you will update inventory from PICs from the Inventory PICs Update menu.

    In addition if you are using a program like Excel to manipulate the data, you should see topic for some of the limitations of Excel.
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