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Bug Importing Customers?
  • eicheli
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    Bug Importing Customers?

    by eicheli » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:56 am


    I am trying to import customer data and I think I've come across a bug. When defining the customer information, the "Country" field is important for us. The country value is in the right "spot" in the REDI format file that I'm importing, but when I review the imported data, the "Zip" value has been imported into the "Country" field. To ensure that I was not making a mistake putting my import file together, I tried exporting properly defined customer data from RE and then importing the same file (without having opened or touched the export file). Same results. The data in the "Country" field is the value from the "Zip" field.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this an actual bug? If I'm doing something wrong, please let me know. If it's a bug, is there a way around it, short of manually reviewing all imported records?

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    Re: Bug Importing Customers?

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:41 pm

    What version of the program are you using? The most recent Version is 7.5.12. If you are not running this version you should update your version to the most recent. Version 7.5 updates are freely downloadable from our website.

    I have been unable to recreate you problem using 7.5.12. If you are experiencing the problem with the most recent version, then please submit the steps you are taking to create the problem.

    eicheli wrote:Hi,

    I am trying to import customer data and I think I've come across a bug. When defining the customer information, the "Country" field is important for us. The country value is in the right "spot" in the REDI format file that I'm importing, but when I review the imported data, the "Zip" value has been imported into the "Country" field. To ensure that I was not making a mistake putting my import file together, I tried exporting properly defined customer data from RE and then importing the same file (without having opened or touched the export file). Same results. The data in the "Country" field is the value from the "Zip" field.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this an actual bug? If I'm doing something wrong, please let me know. If it's a bug, is there a way around it, short of manually reviewing all imported records?

  • eicheli
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    Re: Bug Importing Customers?

    by eicheli » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:54 am


    I am using 7.5.12, however I made a mistake with the earlier description. The customer's "Country" field is being overwritten, but it happens when I import "Sales" data, not customer data.

    The following steps can be used to see this:

    1. Locate a customer in the database with a Zip Code and Country specified.
    2. Go to Sales and sell this customer something. Post the sale.
    3. Export the sale using "Sales - Today's Sales" into REDI format.
    4. Import the same file using "Sales: Add processed sales to today's sales".
    5. Examine the customer's Zip Code and Country.

    Is there a way to prevent the customer data from being updated when importing sales? I've tried only passing the customer required fields, but then it overwrites all the other fields with blanks.
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