As a follow up we are always looking into new features for RetailEdge. However since this post was originally created, the market has just made it better for the consumer with free Time Clocks. So there is not much incentive for us to add this to RetailEdge. It has always been our policy that if someone was out there doing it better and less expensively that we would not build it into the program (why reinvent the wheel?).
With time clock, there are lots of features that are important to a good time clock including:
- mobile workforce,
- geolocation,
- vacation accrual and approval,
- sick leave tracking,
- tracking employee absences,
- full scheduling,
- working with biometrics and cameras,
- job code tracking with budgets,
- tracking billable job time, etc.
Not to mention giving you the tools to keep up with the regulatory requirements and changes.
Here are some that are free or that were recommended from our end users.