OtterMgr1 wrote:Have just set-up dashboard and have two questions: the dashboard short-cut on my computer updates the sales, but the date of last sale says "Nov 2 5:05p", however, I am running retail edge in demo mode....could that be why? Also, can we use on iphone or is approval still pending. :|
peakskishop wrote:I have setup Dashboard on each of our workstations, created the password and noted the Business ID for each workstation. I have uploaded Dashboard to Fred's ipad, but when I type in the Business ID and Password and hit "Update Sales Info Now" I get an error message that says, "Invalid Business ID or Password". I know I typed the password correct, I have done it and redone it and redone it to make sure. I have also tried typing the business ID with the space between the 2 sets of numbers and without. Neither way seems to work.
1. Which way should the numbers in the Business ID be entered (with or without space)?
2. Is there a way to get the data for all workstations without re-entering the new business ID each time?
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