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What are the limits on the RetailEdge POS Software Demo
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    What are the limits on the RetailEdge POS Software Demo

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:31 am

    The RetailEdge POS software you download from the web is a real copy of the program that is limited to 100 Sales.

    Other than that there is no real limitation on what you can do with the demo program. This has always seemed to be sufficient for potential users to be able to try the program before they purchase it and make sure that the program will work for their business. This also allows them to take their time and not force them to make a decision in 30 days. This limit allows you to create unlimited inventory items, customers, purchase orders etc. However once you have reached 100 sales the program will be in read only mode. This will allow you to run reports and see how your data looks in the real program.

    If you need to try RetailEdge with more than the preset limits on the demo and you have internet access we can also log into your system and turn on the program for a short period of time. This will allow you to import your existing data and test the program with a larger more familiar database. At the same time we can also walk you through the program and answer any questions you might have. If you are interested just contact us at
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