Many companies these days make it difficult to find a way to contact them other than e-mail. So we have compiled a list of commonly requested phone numbers for hardware, software, and credit card processing vendors. This should help you in case you need to contact them with a warranty or support issue.
Hamachi 866-478-1805
Quickbooks 888-859-4056
Verifone(PCCharge) 877-659-8981
Modern Retail 800-640-1826
Star Micronics 800-782-7636 x105
Zebra 866-230-9494
Honeywell/Metrologic 800-782-4263
Epson 800-463-7766
Logic Controls 516-248-0400
Datalogic 541-349-8283
MMF 800-769-1954
Avery Weigh-Tronix 800-368-2039
Verifone(hardware) 408-232-7800
Cipher Labs 469-241-9779
Complete Units:
Pioneer 888-468-9757
POS-X 800-790-8657
Aures 303-495-5643
Credit Card Processing:
PayPros 800-774-6462 (or
here for more information)
Mercury Payment Systems 800-846-4472
Merchant Warehouse 800.528.8430