by RetailEdge Moderator » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:01 pm
We have seen on some customer's computers, a recent update to Avast Antivirus software, has been flagging RetailEdge as a Trojan deleting the exe, shortcut, and cc_module.
To solve this problem, you should add RetailEdge as an Exclusion in Avast. To do this:
1. Go to the Windows System Time in the bottom-right corner of the monitor. Look to the left a small bit and hit the Up Arrow to expand the System tray.
2. Look for an icon that is a lowercase white a in an orange 3d circle. Double-click the icon to open the Control Center.
3. Go to Settings.
4. Go to Exclusions.
5. Press Browser.
6. Expand “C:”.
7. Expand “Program Files (x86)”. (or Program Files if (x86) doesn’t exist).
8. Checkmark “High Meadow Business Solutions”.
9. Press Ok.
10. Press Add.
11. Press Ok.
Then reinstall RetailEdge:
1. For Gold and Silver customers, go to and download the demo from the right-hand side. (if the download tells you it is not commonly downloaded, hit the down arrow to the right of it, and hit "Keep File”). For Bronze level customers just reinstall the program from the installation CD.
2. After the download is done or from the CD, double-click to start the install.
3. When it gets to the step that asks “Complete…" or "Client Workstation Only…", choose “Client Workstation Only…”.
4. Press Yes on the popup box if you get one.
5. On the Server Connection Settings screen, ignore it and hit Next and then Finish.
RetailEdge should now be restored to full working order. Please note that if you are a Silver or Gold Level customer and had not updated to the latest version before the file was deleted, you might get a version mismatch error. If this occurs, simply update the program by choosing Help|Program Updates and performing a manual update.