RetailEdge Moderator wrote:The October 1 EMV (Chip Card) liability shift is quickly approaching. This post provides some important information for our RetailEdge customers using OpenEdge (formally PayPros) for their integrated credit card processing solution.
No OpenEdge EMV Solution by October 1
For the past 12 months, we have been working with OpenEdge to come up with a workable EMV solution for RetailEdge customers using OpenEdge. After a long and exhaustive effort, we’ve come to the conclusion that the technology solution offered by OpenEdge is not ready for prime time and is not ready for deployment to our customers. We feel the integration tools are too slow and do not offer a workflow that will be acceptable to our users. In our testing, the OpenEdge EMV solution takes 2-3 times longer to process chip based cards compared to our other EMV options. It’s also slower for traditional credit cards.
What Should OpenEdge Customers do?
DON’T PANIC! The EMV liability shift is neither a mandate nor a law. Each business can decide whether and when to make the transition to accept chip based cards based on factors unique to your business.
It’s our opinion that most RetailEdge customers should plan on making the transition to accept chip based cards at some point. Chip based cards offer better protection for consumers and offer better protection for your business.
The key element is to figure out when your business should make the move. Businesses that have high average tickets might want to plan the transition sooner. Businesses that have low average tickets might choose to wait until they make the change.
Some other things to consider:
What is the total cost of implementation? The cost to implement EMV depends on hardware choices but will likely be in the range of $225-$700 per workstation (approximately $20-$30 per month). Some of our integration partners are offering incentives up to $500 to help defray the cost of the transition.
Do You Process Debit Cards? If you process debit cards, you should consider migrating to a more secure EMV solution. Our new EMV integration options offer modern customer facing devices with pin pads and signature capture (for credit cards receipts).
What is my historical fraud chargeback liability and how does this amount compare to the cost of purchasing new EMV ready devices? Certain business types have more fraud then others. Typically, these are businesses with higher price items that can be quickly resold (e.g., electronics, visa gift cards, jewelry, etc.).
Know how EMV impacts line speed. Processing EMV transactions is slower than processing traditional credit cards. Part of the slower workflow is the required back and forth dialog between the new EMV devices and backend processors. There will also be a learning curve for clerks and consumers as they learn how to use the new devices (e.g. inserting chip cards and following the onscreen directions).
Other resources to review:
EMV Series - What is EMV?
EMV Series - Why EMV?
EMV Series - How does the EMV Process Work?
EMV Series - Do you need to accept EMV payments?
EMV Series - Can RetailEdge work with EMV?
EMV Series - How Much Does EMV Cost to Implement?
If you don't need EMV now
If you decide that you do not want to transition to EMV now or if you want to make the change at a later time, we strongly encourage you to make sure that you are using encrypted magnetic readers. Please call OpenEdge to confirm that you are using an encrypted swiper. Encrypted magnetic readers offer very good levels of security and help fight PC based malware such as key loggers and memory scrapers.
If you want EMV now
If you feel you would like to process EMV chip cards now, you should contact one of the following partners. They have good EMV solutions and are ready to support your processing needs.
Mercury Payment Systems
Phone: 800.846.4472
Direct: 877.342.0473
Need More Information?
If you need more information on this complicated issue please feel free to contact us at or 802-549-4617.
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