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RetailEdge Point of Sale Software 8.2.44 Update
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    RetailEdge Point of Sale Software 8.2.44 Update

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:02 pm

    Published January 13, 2016

    This release provides a series of program fixes.


    1. When a credit card receives a partial approval amount and the clerk selects the incorrect card type in the RetailEdge payment methods, RetailEdge no longer closes the sale with the partial approval amount.

    2. Mercury integration now properly switches payment types in RetailEdge if the clerk chooses Debit and the customer selects one of the Credit types as a payment method.

    3. Payout tape style receipts now show payout details.

    4. Changed the closing report report text to say First Ticket Number and Last Ticket Number instead of Open Ticket and Close Ticket for clarity when closing when there are no sales.

    5. Changed text on e-mail form to read Send New E-mail to allow for sending of e-mail from different sources (customer manager, sales, etc.).

    6. An item type Store Credit Issued at POS type now issues the correct credit amount when the item is discounted.

    7. E-mail signature synchronization no longer strips carriage returns.

    8. Closing from multiple registers at the same time for All Registers is no longer allowed.

    9. RetailEdge now allows you to close a single register from any other register in a multiple register installation.

    10. RetailEdge now allows modifying a TODO note (Customer Activity) when running in full screen.

    11. On the traditional sales screen, pressing Edit (F7) to edit an item and then press ESC now properly closes the Editor screen.

    12. Punch/Coffee Card discounts will no longer allow a quantity of less than 1. (8.2.43 soft release).

    13. RetailEdge no longer displays an access violation when clicking save on the Customer Activity editor. (8.2.43 soft release).

    14. E-Mail Utility SMTP now supports secure password SMTP access to Gmail and Yahoo.(8.2.43 soft release).

    15. Find Form on the Sales Screen no longer displays an access violation when Suppress Quantity Lookups is Turned On and show On-Order Quantity is checked. (8.2.43 soft release).

    16. RetailEdge will now positively and negatively adjust sales coming in from Modern Retail if the amount calculated by Modern Retail differs from RetailEdge's calculated total (e.g., sales tax differences).
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