What is Tokenization and How Does RetailEdge Use Tokens?
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    What is Tokenization and How Does RetailEdge Use Tokens?

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:06 am

    Tokenization allow programs like RetailEdge to store Tokens instead of Cardholder Data (CHD). The token allows the program to reference a sale on the processors server and void it by passing it this token.

    Not all processors support all types of tokens. Some tokens are only for the day's batch and can't be used again. Some tokens can be used for extended periods of time (recurring/6 months). RetailEdge supports recurring tokens. This allows RetailEdge to recharge credit cards at a future date. Since we can reuse these tokens, RetailEdge in essence supports credit cards on file without storing any credit card data. This is a pretty useful feature for customers who want to perform recurring billing without the security risk of storing CHD.

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