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How Do I Contact Technical Support?
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    How Do I Contact Technical Support?

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:53 pm

    The RetailEdge Support Department would like to thank you for using RetailEdge as your Point of Sale solution. We respect and value your time so we’d like to offer some pointers on how to best take advantage of our support offerings. We know this is a little long but take the time to read the e-mail. as this should help you get the best support for your system.

    Standard Hours and Enhanced Hours

    Standard technical support for all customers is available Monday-Friday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. EST. If you’d like to call us, we can be reached at 802-549-4617.

    Gold level customers receive additional support hours (9:30 AM to 8:30 PM EST) and weekend support for sales emergencies.

    How it works

    All our technical support calls are triaged based on severity and type of issue. We do this for two main reasons:

    1. We want to make sure that we respond to you as quickly as your situation demands.
    2. We don't want you to waste your time holding for a technician. We could certainly implement a hold queue but we figure you have better things to do than be strapped to your phone.

    How to get the fastest response

    To get the fastest response just leave a message with your phone number, name, and business name and brief description of the issue, problem or question. We call back customers with serious sales emergencies first and then customers with less pressing issues. In either case, please be assured that we will call you back.

    Things that won't help

    Here are somethings that won't help you get faster response.

    Not leaving a message. If you don't leave a message, we have a record of your call but not what your problem is. If we don't see a message we assume that you have solved your problem yourself (congratulations!) and don't need a call back.

    Leaving a non-specific message. Leaving a message without any specifics, does not let us know how critical or non-critical your issue is. This may actually lead to a slower call back time.

    Leaving a message in the wrong mailbox. This works both ways. Leaving a message in the emergency box when it is not an emergency does not increase your call back time. ALL calls are triaged. And visa versa, if your issue IS an emergency (e.g, can't ring in sales, etc.) please let us know that too.

    Cycling. Calling various extensions and different voice mailboxes just takes you more time and will not expedite a return phone call. We can see when this happens and it will not get you a faster response.

    Using the emergency line when not a sales emergency. This line is for sales emergencies. A sales emergency is an issue is preventing you from selling (i.e., can't start RetailEdge on your primary register, can't get your customers checked out, etc.) This is a very useful option for after hours and weekends as it will push notifications out to technical support staff on call. But what happened to the person who called (cried) emergency too many times?

    How to navigate the phone directory

    You can get to where you need to be more quickly by selecting the proper phone menu options.

    When you dial in Press 2 on the keypad to enter the Technical support line .

    If you are a Gold plan member please select Option 1.

    Silver or Bronze level please select Option 2.

    If you are not sure whether you are on a technical support plan, in RetailEdge select About from the Help menu. This will tell you if you are Gold, Silver or Bronze level.

    Email Support

    We offer e-mail based support for non pressing needs as well as quick how to questions. We can be reached at

    On-line and Forums

    You also have free online self service options available:

    Online Help

    and of course these forums.

    Customer Support Plan Options

    If you would like to learn more about our plans please see visit the following links for information about our customer support options:

    Technical Support Offerings

    Software Maintenance Plan
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