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How To Sell a Gift Card with an Additional Dollar Value
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    How To Sell a Gift Card with an Additional Dollar Value

    by Kayla » Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:39 pm

    The following example is how to sell a $120.00 gift card for $100.00.

    Setup the items in inventory:

    1. Create a new non-taxable Gift Card item for $120.00


    2. Create a new non-taxable non-stock deduction item for $20.00


    3. Create a new Package for the Gift Card promotion, and set to Package Price Based on Item Pricing. Click Here for how to create a new package.

    3b. Add the new items to the package. The Gift Card Item must be positive and the deduction item must be negative for this to work.

    4. Sell the package as the gift card, add any other items to the sale and proceed as a normal sale.

  • Josh Ellison
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    Re: How To: Give a Gift Card of X amount if Y amount is Spent

    by Josh Ellison » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:36 pm

    3b. Add the new items to the package. The Gift Card Item must be positive and the deduction item must be negative for this to work.
    This section is a bit tricky to get the price to populate correctly. In order to do this, the Unit price field needs to be updated to the price of the item. This will accuratly show the price of the Package based on items.
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