1. Print desired inventory Reports
Printing inventory reports provides the business the baseline to compare the information from the physical Inventory.
To run your inventory reports select Reports | Inventory
At the very least you will want to run your Inventory Value (Items by Category) as this will allow you to compare the inventory value from before the physical with the inventory value from after the physical inventory
For better comparisons between before and after the inventory you may want to run the following Reports:
Reports | Inventory | Items
Physical with Costs/Retail Price
Reports | Inventory | Items | Items
Items by Bin/Shelf, Category
Item Detail- Grouped by Location/ stock number
2. Download and install the RetailEdge PICS app
From the IOS App store search and Install the RetailEdge PICS app
3. Configure the App
The app requires you to have an email account setup in IOS. If you have not set up your email on your iPhone or iPad please follow
these instructions from Apple.
Select the Settings Spocket
Configure the Settings
Accept the Send Export Files to the Following Email Address: This is going to be the email address that the file is going to be sent to, this email should be accessible on the RetailEdge system.
Select ID Text After Adding: Highlights the Item ID Field after manually entering items
Use Photo Library to Read Barcodes: This allows the app access to your Photo Library to read any barcodes you may have taken photos of.
Use Number pad for Item IDs: Uses the Number pad (Phone dialer) instead of the keyboard for manually entering Item IDs.
Consolidate Items: With this option on if there are repeat scans instead of them showing on different lines they will show on one.
Use Screen Flashes: When using a Bluetooth scanner the screen will flash.
Close Scanner after scanning: When on after each scan the app will return to the main menu, this helps prevent accidental scans.
4. Enter Items into the App.
Select the Camera Scan button.
Line up the barcode
You will hear a confirmation sound when the barcode is scanned. Rinse and repeat!
You can manually enter items by entering in a value in the enter Item ID field and entering a Quantity and selecting add to table.
You can edit or delete a scan by selecting the menu option next to the item:
Make your changes then save or select delete if you want to remove the scan:
5. Transfer Data from the app
Select the mail option from the Main App screen
Name the file and select the Send data by Email button
*Best Practice: If you have multiple people using PICS apps or devices make sure you use a unique name for each file as this makes tracking potential PICS problems easier ie Tony_Mensdept_Scan1_2016_12_27. With that example I know that Tony scanned the Mens Department and it is the first scan.
Email the scan by selecting the Send button.
6. Import the transferred data file into RetailEdge.
* It is important to note this step will not replace the quantities you have for your inventory. What this does if you can picture is places the scanned items into a container allowing for the comparison between what was scanned and what quantities you have in Inventory.
Download the files sent to your Email.
In RetailEdge select Inventory from the top left of the screen. Verify that the PICS list is empty by selecting PICS | Empty PICs. Then select | PICS | Import
On the PICS Import Screen select the File Folder next to File Name (w/path):
On the Open Window navigate to the Directory where you saves the upload from section 4 0f this document.
Highlight the file and select Open.
Select Import on the PICS Import window.
7. Print out PICS Reports.
*Best Practice: When running these reports they can be several dozen to several hundreds of pages. You can export each report in RetailEdge as either PDF, Excel, or text document. It is recommended to export these as the type of file for your intended purpose i.e. PDF for simply viewing the information with out the ability to edit, Excel for data manipulation.
* Best Practice: Some of these Reports can generate hundreds of pages of data, with that said it is recommended to run some of these reports in two fashions, One is raw where you run the report with out filters and export (Unless you are a multilocation business where you may want to run a location based filter) the second where you run a filter not equal to 0 (<>).
In RetailEdge Select Reports | Inventory | PICS
PICS List: Typical you can run this with out any filters. This gives you the contents of the items imported in step 5. This is useful as consolidated list if you imported numerous files.
PICS Inventory Compare: Typical you can run this with out any filters. This report compares the PICS container with the Inventory Container.
Exceptions: Typical you can run this with out any filters. This is a list of the scanned items that for one reason or another RetailEdge does not recognize.
Differential: It is recommended to run this report both raw and with filtering. This report identifies where the quantities of the items in the PICS container are DIFFERENT than the quantities in Inventory.
Shrinkage: It is recommended to run this report both raw and with filtering. This Report identifies where the quantities in the PICS container are less than the quantities in Inventory
Shrinkage with Costs: It is recommended to run this report both raw and with filtering. This report is similar to the Shrinkage Report above except it gives the cost impact of the Shrinkage
Differential (Inventory Based): It is recommended to run this report both raw and with filtering. This is an inventory based report that lists all inventory items that are 1. In the PICs list with PICs quantities GREATER or less than the inventory quantities.2. Not found in the PICs List (to account for shrinkages to 0 that an Inventory count would not have found).
Differential- with costs (Inventory Based): It is recommended to run this report both raw and with filtering. This report is similar to the Differential (Inventory Based) Report above except it gives the cost impact of the difference.
8. Perform a RetailEdge Backup.
To back up all RetailEdge data:
Select Tools | Backup| Backup from the top of your RetailEdge screen
Select the Folder button to select a file name and location or type in a name and location for the backup file.
Press the OK Button to begin the backup.
9. Zero Out Inventory (Optional)
*This step is optional depending on your physical Inventory preferences further out lined in step 9
Select Inventory | PICS | Zero Inventory from the top left in RetailEdge.
On the PICS: Zero Inventory window select OK
On the Filtering screen select the appropriate filter criteria from the Current Filters (right hand side) applying those selections by selecting the replace button. * If you are looking to zero everything make use of the all button then select replace. Select OK.
Next are the confirmation screens Select YES only if you confident you have made the proper selections.
*Best Practices: It is strongly recommended to back up whenever you see the 3 confirmation warning screens in ReatilEdge as the changes made whenever these screens are displayed are not reversible.
10. Update Inventory.
Select Inventory | PICS | Update from the top left in RetailEdge.
On the PICS Update window select the PICS Target Table
* Best Practices: Typically you would want to select the Inventory table but take note of the other target tables available. PICS can be used for so much more than Physical Inventory. You can learn more by going to uses for PICS.
* Please note for multi Location businesses that you have the proper location set.
Select OK and follow the confirmation window prompts.
11. Print desired inventory Reports
Repeat the steps from section 1 if desired.