by DAVE » Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:52 pm
We are running into an issue with the field length, i.e. quantity of text allowed in the Inventory Manager User Fields, specifically User Field 1, and how it integrates with Shopify. This field is used to assign and export Shopify Tags, which are in turn used for product organization on the Shopify site. Our problem is maybe specific to our particular theme (from Out of the Sandbox), which also uses Tags to attach a Size Chart to specific product. This requires the User 1 field to contain, as an example "meta-size-chart-birkenstock-size-guide". (The "meta-size-chart" preface is required by the theme for this to work) This would be in addition to the product organization tags in the field, such as "sandal", "shoe", etc. So in the above case, the User 1 field needs to contain "sandal, shoe, meta-size-chart-birkenstock-size-guide". We can and do abbreviate the name of the size chart page the meta tag refers to but still, it runs up against the field length allowed, and limits any further desired categorizing or organizing of product for Shopify.
All a long winded way of requesting, please extend the allowable size of these fields!