Creating Payment Methods

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Creating Payment Methods

Creating Payment Methods


To create payment mediums:


1.Select Edit Payment Mediums from the Tools|Payment Methods menu item.


2.Press the Add button on the Payment Methods List.


3.Select a For Location.


4.Type in Payment ID.


5.Type in a Description.


6.Check/Uncheck Process as Credit Card.


7.Check/Uncheck Pop Cash Drawer when Posting Sale.





1.For Location: Location at which the payment medium will be displayed on the Sales Screen Payment Tab)


2.Payment ID: Payment identifier that is displayed on the Sales Screen Payment Tab.  You can create a payment method with a Payment ID beginning with _ (underscore). This will create a blank payment button on the touch sales screen and allow you to space out the payment buttons. See Also: Setting The Order of Payment Methods


3.Description: A description of the payment method


4.Process as Credit Card: Used to tell RetailEdge you will be using this payment method with one of our integrated credit card processing partners.


5.Pop Cash Drawer when Posting Sale: After using this payment method, RetailEdge will open an electronic cash drawer. (Typically left unchecked for payment methods that don't require change e.g., credit cards.)


6.CC Type:  This dropdown is only enabled when Process as Credit Card is checked and should only be used when you are using integrated credit card processing. The dropdown allows you to select the card type associated with the named Payment ID. When a sale is completed, if the card type used by the customer matches this value, RetailEdge will automatically switch the sale's selected payment to this payment method.


Reserved Payment Methods


Some Payment IDs have been reserved for use by RetailEdge and can't be used.  These are:


1.Store Credit


2.Loyalty $$$




4.Gift Card

