Creating Sale Subtotals

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Creating Sale Subtotals

When creating sales quotes it is sometimes useful to subtotal sections of the receipt for the customer.  


1.Create a Non Stock inventory item with $0.00 cost and price having a description of SubTotal followed by some text (e.g., SubTotal_Subtotal of lines above: ).


2.When you want a sales receipt to have subtotals on it, just enter the subtotal item on the sales screen.  This will provide a subtotal on this line on the receipt.  Everything in the description field after the text SubTotal will be printed on the receipt's subtotal line.  You can change the text following the SubTotal on the Sales Screen to customize the subtotal description text.


3.On the receipt, "SubTotal_Subtotal of lines above" would show as "_Subtotal of lines above"


4.If the text was changed on the sales screen, "SubTotal_Changed on Sales Screen" would show as "_Changed on Sales Screen"


5.The first instance of the word "Subtotal" is hidden.




If you are using a version of RetailEdge older than 2024, you will need to follow these steps to manually setup the Subtotal function.



1.Open the retailedge.ini file.  This can be found in the User AppData folder (C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\High Meadow Business Solutions\RetailEdge 8.2).


2.Type in SubTotalDescPrefix=subtotal on the last line of the [General] section.


3.Create a Non Stock inventory item with $0.00 cost and price having a description of SubTotal followed by some text (e.g., SubTotal_Subtotal of lines above: )


4.You can continue with the instructions above starting at step 2.