Viewing Customers in the Customer Manager

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Viewing Customers in the Customer Manager

Most customer information can be instantly viewed from the Customer Manager.  The Customer Manager is designed to give you a quick snapshot of your customer's information with quick links to the Sales Manager and Inventory Manager.  The Customer Manager can be viewed by pressing the Customer button on the Toolbar or by pressing Ctrl-Alt-C.  The Customer Manager allows you to:


1.Select and edit existing customer information.


2.Create a new customer.


3.View a customer's sales for all locations.


4.View a customer's item purchase history.


5.Copy a Customer's previous sale into a new sale or purchase order.


6.View a customer's Saved Sales (Quotes) and Recall the sale into a sales screen.


7.View a customer's House Charges and make payments, print statements and receipts for those charges.


8.View and make payments to a customer's Layaways.


9.View and make payments to a customer's Open Orders.