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Secondary receipt printers might be setup when you are normally reprinting a secondary receipt to a back office or kitchen printer. Secondary receipt printing options can also be used for sending data to video surveillance systems to map receipts onto the video.
Receipt Printer Settings: Workstation receipt printer settings to set either tape style receipt printing or full page invoice style printing. Also set whether this workstation will be printing to a serial, parallel port, or using a Windows or OPOS driver. In addition, RetailEdge allows you to set the default receipt printer for reprinting receipts.
Ask for Receipt Count (before printing receipt): Checking this box will have the Receipt Options screen display after posting every sale. This can be useful if you are continuously printing many different types of receipts (gift, pick lists, etc.) or switching between tape style and invoice style receipts.
Receipt Count: The default number of receipts that will print when a sale is posted. If you are displaying receipt options, you will have the ability to change this when you post a sale. This can be set to 0 if you only want to reprint receipts if a customer wants one.
Receipt Delay: This is the delay in seconds between receipts if you are printing more than one receipt. This is useful if you are using a tape style receipt printer that does not have an auto-cutter. This will give you time to tear off the first receipt before the second one is printed.
Form or Blank Page: Set whether to print statements on a blank page or use a pre-printed form. The blank page will format the same as the pre-printed form but will place lines around the appropriate sections to simulate the form layout.
Letterhead Graphic: The location and name of an image to have printed on the top of statements. If a letterhead graphic is inserted, the store receipt address information located in the Location Settings will not be displayed on the statement. The graphic must be a Windows Bitmap or JPEG file. If you are printing statements on company letterhead, placing a non-existent file name in the box will suppress the Receipt Address information and leave a blank space for the letterhead.