The RetailEdge Server

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The RetailEdge Server

RetailEdge has been developed using client/server architecture.  The client/server software architecture is a versatile architecture that improves flexibility and scalability. When RetailEdge is installed on the main machine (server machine), the data is installed as well as the RetailEdge Server.  The RetailEdge Server manages access to the database and also runs certain RetailEdge functions.  When the RetailEdge program is started, it runs as a client and knows the location of the RetailEdge Server and the Database that it is to use.  When you perform a function in RetailEdge (e.g., posting a sale), the RetailEdge program (client) makes a request to the RetailEdge server (post sale) and sends the required information to the RetailEdge server.  The RetailEdge Server does the actual posting of the information to the database and then sends back any required information to the RetailEdge program (client) (e.g, sale posted).  The server also manages the request traffic in a multi-workstation environment.  


This architecture:


1.Is more stable than a pier-to-pier architecture.  In a pier-to-pier network, if a network connection is broken, connections to the database tables can cause damage to the tables.  Also in a client/server environment all connections to the database are handled by one program (the RetailEdge Server).  This minimizes the potential for data corruption .


2.Is more reliable because client requests can be put into transactions.  Many functions require that data be posted to multiple data tables.  Transactions avoid partial posting of information to the tables. In the event that all required information does not reach the server or all of the data can't be posted to the required table(s) a transaction can be rolled back preventing partial posting.


3.Is faster because of reduced network traffic.  The RetailEdge Server does most of the processing.  So when a data request is made from the client, the server will process the request and reduce the amount of data that is sent back on the network.  For instance, if you want to look at sales data for a given date range, then the RetailEdge Server is processing all sales data and sending only the relevant records back to the client.  In a pier-to-pier network, ALL sales records would be sent back to you and the processing to find the relevant sales records would be done locally on your machine.