Selling Items that Automatically Use the Scale

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Selling Items that Automatically Use the Scale

RetailEdge gets its information about item weight from the scales. The units are received from the scale at the time of weighing.  When receiving weight information from the scale, RetailEdge will not display a value or will display an error until a settled weight has been received from the scale.


To sell an item that Automatically uses a Scale, place the item on the scale and type in or scan the item's code.  RetailEdge will display the Scale Input Screen with the item's weight and units.  Press Ok to select the item, and enter it onto the Sales Screen with the correct weight and unit price/unit weight.



The units displayed will be based on the units calculated by the scale. If the Scale is reading ounces (oz), kilograms (kg) or pounds (lb) when a weighed item is added to the Sales Screen, the description will be prefixed with the scale units and unit price of the item and the weighed unit (e.g., lb @ $1.00/lb).  Tare weight entered for the item sold will automatically be deducted from the gross weight displayed by the scale.